
年代/Age | 1994 |
タグ/Tag | Hanes |
ステッチ/Stitch | single |
1994年にPANTERA(パンテラ)が行ったFAR BEYOND DRIVEN WORLD TOURは、彼らのアルバム「Far Beyond Driven」のプロモーションを兼ねて行われました。ツアーは北米、ヨーロッパ、日本、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドを含む世界中で行われました。
PANTERAのライブは、非常にエネルギッシュで荒々しいもので、彼らのヘヴィな音楽とアグレッシブなステージパフォーマンスが、ファンを熱狂させました。彼らは、多くの曲を演奏し、特に「Walk」、「This Love」、「Cowboys from Hell」、「Fucking Hostile」など、人気のある曲をよく演奏していました。
しかし、ツアーは順調ではありませんでした。メンバー同士の不和が表面化し、ボーカリストのPhil Anselmoは、ライブ中に度々怒りを爆発させ、時にはファンとも口論することもありました。また、アンセルモは度々酒や薬物に溺れ、ライブの質を下げることもありました。
The FAR BEYOND DRIVEN WORLD TOUR, which PANTERA conducted in 1994, was carried out as a promotion of their album “Far Beyond Driven”. The tour was held all over the world, including North America, Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
The tour focused on large venues, reflecting the popularity of PANTERA at the time. The tour started on April 12 in Chicago, North America, and then traveled to major cities in North America such as New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Seattle, Detroit, and Denver.
Then, the European tour began, visiting countries such as the UK, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden. After that, the tour expanded to Asia, performing in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya in Japan, and then heading to Australia and New Zealand.
PANTERA’s live performance was very energetic and rough, with their heavy music and aggressive stage performance exciting fans. They played many songs, particularly popular ones such as “Walk”, “This Love”, “Cowboys from Hell”, and “Fucking Hostile”.
However, the tour was not smooth. Discord between the members surfaced, and vocalist Phil Anselmo frequently erupted in anger during live performances, sometimes even arguing with fans. Additionally, Anselmo often fell into alcohol and drug abuse, which sometimes degraded the quality of their live shows.
Nevertheless, through this tour, PANTERA further established their position and gained many new fans. They became one of the most influential bands in the heavy metal scene at the time.